Sunday 21st February 13:30 – 15:30
Spaces limited to 16 students
Inversions are so much fun, but they prove to be some of the most challenging postures
During this 2 hour workshops Daniela will explain and explore the fundamentals of an inversion practice. The class will begin with a vinyasa flow sequence that will build heat, strengthen the core, shoulders and legs in preparation for lift off. Time will be spent lengthening the back body, including shoulders, hip flexors and the hamstrings, in order to ease entry and exit in poses. Then the focus will move to inversions including and not limited to Headstand, Tripod Headstand, Pincha Mayurasana (forearm balance) and the ever popular Handstand! There will also be the option of working with or without the wall, the teacher or a partner in each posture.