What is it about complementary therapies that provide such enormous benefit to many? Is it the simple time out? Is it the gentle touch on the energetic system that brings in healing or balancing of the natural body systems? Or is it the ability to reach an inner peace that helps the body to heal physical ailments and cope with the challenges of every day life? For a small investment of time and money Refinery Taster Sessions are a great way to find out more about the different Holistic Therapies that are available at the studio.
Our talented team of Therapists will be offering a different taster treatment on the first weekend of every month – think Sound Therapy, Massage, Facials, Reiki, Reflexology, Shamanic Healing and more.
Saturday 5th May 2018 // 10.00am-4.00pm // @ The Refinery E9
Reflexology Taster Day with Susan Janikowski
£25 for 25 Minutes
Read more about Susan here: www.flourishnaturally.co.uk