What is it about complementary therapies that provide such enormous benefit to many? Is it the simple time out? Is it the gentle touch on the energetic system that brings in healing or balancing of the natural body systems? Or is it the ability to reach an inner peace that helps the body to heal physical ailments and cope with the challenges of every day life? For a small investment of time and money Refinery Taster Sessions are a great way to find out more about the different Holistic Therapies that are available at the studio.
Once a month, one of our talented Therapists will be offering a full day of taster treatments – think Sound Therapy, Massage, Facials, Reiki, Shamanic Healing & more…
Saturday 1st December 2018 // 12pm – 5pm // The Refinery
Pay Day Treat – Shamanic Healing £40 for 30 minutes
Treat yourself to a Shamanic Healing session!!!
About Cat
Cat is a Shamanic Practitioner who has undergone extensive training with indigenous shamans
in Peru. She is a mesa carrier of the Andean Inka tradition. Cat is passionate about helping people to bring back balance and harmony into their energy bodies so they can feel whole and connected again. She is based in London and Essex.
Benefits of Shamanic Healing:
Feeling more grounded and better able to make decisions.
Increased vitality / life force energy
Greater ability to release addictions and maintain changes in life.
Strengthened immune system.
Ability to let go of deeply rooted patterns by getting to the root cause.
Healing of emotional traumas and conditioning.
Ability to move past issues that previously kept you feeling stuck.
Bring your intentions and goals into alignment.
Make more conscious and healthier choices.
Heal ancestral lineage and karmic ties.
Remove heavy / dense energies and feel better connected to life force.
Expanded sense of wholeness and wellbeing.
Enhanced ability to create desired life changes.
Deep sense of inner peace.
To book please call or email Cat:
Cat: www.akicitablue.com // shamaniccat@gmail.com // 07714098734
T’s & C’s
We kindly ask that if you cannot make your appointment to cancel within 24 hours. Refinery Taster Days sell out very quickly and there will often be someone on the waitlist that would love to take your place. Appointments not cancelled within 24 hours will be charged in full.