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Advanced (Jing Method ) Remedial, Sports and more...


Advanced (Jing Method ) Remedial, Sports, Therapeutic & Pregnancy Massage Therapy

Leila is an advanced (Jing Method ) Remedial, Sports, Therapeutic & Pregnancy Massage Therapist. Leila is qualified to treat a range of chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions including low back pain, neck pain, headaches, whiplash, frozen shoulder, thoracic outlet syndrome, RSI fibromyalgia, nerve issues, and many other ongoing injury or pain conditions.

As an advanced massage therapist, she is trained in a range of safe and effective soft tissue and massage techniques that aim to reduce your pain and increase your movement within 1-6 clinical treatments. The techniques she uses includes a combination of Western and Eastern techniques including fascial work, trigger point therapy, acupressure work, mobilisations, different stretching techniques, and tailored self-care through Yoga therapy and functional movement.

Leila uses a warm and heart-centered approach that takes full account of a person’s physical and emotional needs and she Is committed to working alongside you to get the results you need.

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