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Craniosacral Therapy

Renata Felippe

Craniosacral Therapy

60 minutes

Hi, I am Renata Felippe – I am an integrated craniosacral therapist trained by the College of Cranio-Sacral Therapy with a post-graduate degree in working with trauma. My main interest is the integration between academic and holistic approaches, including energy alignment and self-development tools.


Craniosacral Therapy 

Craniosacral is a complementary and holistic approach to health and vitality of the body. Our thoughts, emotions and physical body are parts of a whole. Any discomfort in our body affects our emotional and rational functions or vice versa. When we face stressful events our body also has a reaction, by contracting muscles and releasing hormones related to a survival instinct. If this tension is not released appropriately, it can cause chronic pains, injuries, repetitive thoughts, constant hyperarousal state and so on.

The Craniosacral practitioner uses gentle touch of the hands from head to toes as appropriate, with the client lying down on a couch completely clothed. The treatment helps to release any restrictions or memories held in the body and return to a fluent fluid, crucial for a balanced central nervous system. The treatment brings a freely mobile expression of health and sense of peace.


My approach

My approach to therapy involves a deep sensitivity to each client’s particular contexts. I create a safe space that allows the client’s body to express itself and release uncomfortable memories. 

 This means addressing the whole person within the context of their life, rather than being limited to specific symptoms, restrictions or conditions. 

I can treat from isolated aches and pains to chronic and persistent symptoms, this covers a wide range of conditions that include colic, ear infection, learning difficulties, asthma, migraine, stress, insomnia, accidents recovery, tension, trauma and birth trauma. The treatment can be beneficial to babies and elderly alike, as the practitioner uses gentle touch of the hands.

I am registered at the Craniosacral Therapy Association in the UK and I run courses, workshops and private sessions. I also offer other services if you are interested in spirituality and images archetypes such as Astrology, Tarot Reading and Brazilian Shamanic Energy Alignment. 



These can be booked as a one off or as a course of treatment designed specific for you. 


60min / £75 



+44 78481236537

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