Did you know we hold energy and blockages in different layers of ourselves?
In order to move out of cycles and that ‘same old same old’ routine or rut you may have got stuck in, switch up your energy.
Moving the mind, body and energetic body is vital for healing but also for success, inner peace and increasing the big 4 – serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins & dopamine (work with them, they are your besties!)
One way to move the energy around and to clear out any blockages in your chakras is to use crystals. Using different crystals for each chakra I work on releasing tension, increasing flow and finishing with readings which relate to you, guided by your intuition and personal energy.
During a crystal healing session you will receive an energetic body scan, crystal healing & deep relaxation.
About me:
I love cats, crystals and I am allllll about the mood lighting.
Years ago I worked in the city in oil & gas. I was tired, anxious and stressed. ALL OF THE TIME. I developed celiac disease and my immune system plummeted.
Being a Sagittarius I did what Saggies do best, booked a one way flight out of London. I had no plan, no timeline. It excited me and also freaked me out. 1 silent meditation retreat (with monks), 18 months of do-whatever I like style travel, 1 Burning Man, 2765374 pieces of amethyst bought in Brazil from the caves (joke …) and I found myself back in the city we all know and love, London.
These days you can find me hosting wellness events, working with venues on their “tone & ambience” & “cultural programming” and working with my rocks and crystals!
Lock-ups & downs:
My fave memories of lockdown was spending 3 months with my granddad in Spain. I flew over from Colombia when I realised how serious Covid has become. I am grateful for the time lockdown gave me with my family and with nothing else to do but hang out with them I realised how cool they all are! Win.
and the not so good… moving house 2 days before lockdown in London… remotely… from Spain… Thanks to Zoom and removal people we moved and came home to a very, very large, scrambled pile of belongings.