Are you suffering from headaches? Tension in the back of your head? It could actually be a problem with your jaw and our massaging goddess Amy Moffat is here to explain a little more and assist your body a little further.
TMJ dysfunction sometimes referred to as TMD, is an umbrella term for a range of symptoms relating to problems with the jaw, aka the Temporomandibular Joint. These symptoms can include: Pain when chewing food – Bruxism (grinding of the teeth) – Tenderness in the joint on touch or movement – Limited range of movement – Headaches / Migraines – Tinnitus or ear pain – Undiagnosed toothache – Tight neck and shoulders – Visual disturbances.
TMD affects one in four of us, unsurprisingly seeing as the TMJ is one of the most frequently used joints in the body. Massage Therapists are usually the last point of call for TMJ sufferers, after the dentist and/or doctor. But there are so many great massage techniques that can be used to treat TMJ symptoms – and causes – easily and effectively.
As with all treatments we begin with a consultation and – specifically for TMJ – an assessment of the jaw, followed by a postural assessment to understand what possible muscle imbalances could be influencing TMD. During the treatment, I utilise soft tissue massage, trigger point therapy and fascial release to remove restrictions in the tissues and bring functionality back to the body. Treating in this non-invasive way reduces the need for traditional and sometimes extensive dental work, while also significantly reducing pain. Many clients have reported significant progress after three/four successive appointments, many feeling relief after the first session.