1. Create time and space- choose a regular time of the day to practice and a place that is quiet without distractions
2. Set a timer – Start with 5 minutes and build up slowly to 15 – 40 minutes over a period of time
3. Find a comfortable seat – On the floor, cushion or chair. Make sure you are as comfortable as possible to avoid the need to move or fidget. You may find having your back against something such as a wall helpful, to support the spine and remain sitting tall.
4. Check your posture – Spine and neck long, the slight tuck of chin to chest. Tongue rests on the roof of the mouth. Rest hands in lap or knees somewhere comfortable that you can maintain.
5. Take deep breaths – breathing deeply can help the body to settle and establish presence
6. Direct your attention to the breath
7. Maintain attention on the breath
8. Repeat steps 6+7 throughout your practice – Your mind will wander – keep returning your attention to the breath
9. Be kind to yourself – Don’t get upset if your attention drifts or you fall asleep. It will happen. Don’t give up on your practice.
10. Prepare for a soft landing – When the timer goes off keep your eyes closed until you feel ready to come back. Acknowledge your practice with gratitude.