Why your glutes are so important?
Ever wondered why there is always so much focus on activating the glutes in your Yoga class.
How many times have you heard “Switch on your Glutes” whilst in Barre??
The gluteal muscles are made up of 3 muscles – Maximus, Medius and Minius.
They are the most important muscle group in the body for proper function, health and overall strength.
They are the largest + strongest muscle group and are integral to daily movements, if they aren’t working properly, nothing else will either.
When the glutes become lazy it can cause other muscles to pick up the slack, which can lead to imbalances in the body and problems such as lower back pain, hip, knee and ankle pain.
They react to and control everything from the waist down to the feet and from the lower back up to the shoulders. If you want to be your strongest and stay injury-free you have to have a fully activated butt. If you want to tone your legs, tighten your lower tummy, fix your posture, alleviate lower back pain you need to strengthen the Butt!
Try some of these easy exercises to get those Glutes fired up!!!!
Low Lunge – Anjaneyasana
Hold in a compact pose with the knee directly over ankle rather than going to the point of least resistance and lunging deeply over the front bent knee.
Hold the pose, place hands onto lower back / upper glutes and practice activating your glute and in turn feel the opposite hip flexor respond of the supporting leg.
Bridge with Glute activation
Cross your legs as if you are sitting at a table taking a few lifts into a one-legged bridge on both sides to ascertain the weaker glute.
Then with the weaker glute side foot firmly planted and the opp leg crossed over.
Squeezing/activating the glute on the exhale as you lift the hips into 1 legged bridge…
Inhaling to release hips to the floor. Pausing just before your hips touch the floor then repeat a minimum of 8 times.
Everyone’s favourite but a great one to get those butts working!
Draw tailbone towards heels to ensure the glutes are involved, inwardly rotating the thighs but keeping them hip-distance apart. Challenge yourself to hold for a minute – repeat and repeat!!