This SUMMER, take a walk where the wifi is weak! Us Londoners need a break from the crowds, the technology, the traffic and the big ol’ smoke! And it is no secret that a walk in the woods boosts ya mood! So how about it?! Immersing yourself in the healing properties of trees and plants is known as Forestbathing. The Japanese call this, ‘Shinrin-yoku’… and you guessed it, many are raving about it!
Positive heath effects are felt though mindful walks through the woods, and peeps are feeling lower levels of anxiety, stress and blood pressure and boosted immunity due to it.…….. Count us in! Mindful is a key word here; a key to the secret to getting the juicy benefits. We are told that this ‘bathing’ must be done mindfully by being fully present and in the moment when connecting with nature.
Practicing mindfulness can be tricky and is certainly a practice, so do not beat yourself up if you find it hard and catch yourself running away with your thoughts! We have all been there! A lot of the time we are there.. we are with you! But those moments of pure presence and serenity are well worth the practice. We have the key, so let’s unlock that door together.…………AND as if we needed any more of an excuse to get outside after that, the first ever London National Park City week is taking place from 21st to 29th July 2018! There is no excuse now! Its all “up in our faces” and we just can’t avoid it! There are lots of fantastic events going on.
Check it out on:
So go get em! And remember what Billy Connolly said,
“There’s no such thing as bad weather – only the wrong clothes.”
Waterproofs are at the ready… well, it’s London after all!
By Molly Addison