Acupuncture is a complementary medical practice that entails stimulating certain points on the body, with a needle penetrating the skin, to alleviate pain or to help treat various health conditions. It is used to treat many different diseases, disorders and pain conditions. Common ailments that respond well to acupuncture include tendonitis, arthritis, headaches, chronic pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, respiratory disorders, skin problems and digestive disorders.
1. No two treatments are the same. Unlike western medicine where similar procedures or prescriptions are given to different people, acupuncture treatments are always customised to patients’ individual needs. As the needs of the patient change, so does the placement of the needles.
2. There are thousands of acupoints across the human body. About two thousand, in fact—not to mention the twenty pathways (“meridians”) that cross the body. Each point and meridian helps balance a different aspect of your overall health.
3. Acupuncturists are rigorously trained. Think memorising all of those acupoints and meridians is hard? That’s scratching the surface! Acupuncturists receive their licenses only after attending graduate school and completing thousands of internship hours. And, they are required to continue their education to keep their license up-to-date.
4. Acupuncture points conduct electricity. The many acupoints on the skin conduct electricity in a different way from the rest of our body, which is one reason acupuncture is believed to free up blocked qi, or energy.
We have 2 amazing therapists here who offer acupuncture, including cosmetic. See our website for more details on Charlotte Conway and Clara Baker